FAQ—Frequently asked questions

We have put together a list of the most frequently asked questions about drink technology India for you on this page.

Exhibitor questions

drink technology India takes place in Mumbai and Delhi alternately.

To participate at drink technology India, you must complete and sign the application form. Based on the information provided on the form, we will check to see if your company is eligible to participate as an exhibitor. If so, we will send you a stand proposal.
There is no application deadline. Start of stand assignment is announced on the application forms.

The minimum size is 9 square meters for a shell scheme.


When you submit your application, it only concerns stand space at drink technology India. It automatically includes the mandatory entry in the exhibitor directory as well as worker and exhibitor passes. You will be invoiced separately for any additional charges incurred (e. g. stand construction, technical services, advertising materials). All invoices should be paid immediately upon receipt.

Shortly after you submit your application, you will receive a confirmation of your application together with a down payment proforma invoice by mail.

The down payment proforma invoice amounts 40% To be paid immediately (If not paid within 21 days, the booking will be cancelled) and 60% to be paid on or before 09 September 2024 of the participation. (45 days before the show date)

For Immediate 100% advance payment – 2% “Help Us Plan” (HUP) incentive is available.  

Interest @ 12% will be levied for delayed payments.

Final GST Tax Invoice will be issued within 30 days from the last date of the show.     

Exhibitors are free to have co-exhibitors at their stands. The main exhibiting company must fill out and sign the co-exhibitor application form. Co-exhibitors are also subject to approval to exhibit. The application fee is EUR 500 for each co-exhibitor or additionally represented company admitted. The main exhibitor will be charged this fee. Please find the co-exhibitor application form here.
We can help you with an invitation letter to explain the reason for the visit. You can register yourself and your employees for an invitation letter, which will then be sent to you as a PDF file. The form that has to be filled out to apply for an invitation letter as well as the contact for visa enquiries can be found here.  

Find important facts and figures here. If you have any further questions, please contact the drink technology India team.


Find all information regarding the cancellation process here  

Visitor questions

Admission is free upon registration – trade visitor only!

The exhibition is open to trade professionals by registration only. Admission is free. Visitors must register online or at the exhibition and wear their visitor badge during the exhibition.

You can register in advance online here or upon arrival at the venue.

drink technology India takes place in Mumbai in the even years and in Delhi in the uneven years.


Application & Prices

A list of prices for exhibitors at drink technology India—from square-meter prices for stand space to prices for the marketing services.



Exhibition sectors

The various sections at drink technology India cover the full diversity of themes in the beverage and liquid food sector in India.



Free marketing services

Make full use of our marketing services designed to boost your success at drink technology India. Simple to use and free of charge!